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The deadline for nominations for the ENE award 2017 is next Wednesday


ENE Saria 2017 prize awarded the Euskal Echea institution in Buenos Aires City (photo Eusko Ikaskuntza)
ENE Saria 2017 prize awarded the Euskal Echea institution in Buenos Aires City (photo Eusko Ikaskuntza)


Every year, on December 3rd on the International Day of Euskera - Euskararen Nazioarteko Eguna the award based on its initials ENE is awarded in hopes of recognizing the work of groups and entities engaged in the Basque Diaspora in favor of the Basque language, its instruction, use, or promotion.  If you are aware of such an organization or group, you should nominate them by next Wednesday.

Donostia-San Sebastian.  According to Eusko Ikaskuntza, organizers of this award, “The goal of this initiative is just to award those entities that work outside of the Basque Country and are distinguished for their support of Euskera, promoting activities for its kowledge or divulgation.” But also they have determined that there is no one better to nominate potential winners, than the people in the Diaspora who are aware of, and involved in such initiatives around them.  So, surely everyone knows someone in their surroundings that dedicates their time and effort working to promote the language and culture that we share.

If you already have a group, association or entity in mind who deserves this award, don’t wait and write to Eusko Ikaskuntza before November 15th.  All nominations will be evaluated by a board created just for this purpose.  Remember that candidates will be evaluated on the context and resources of each, and that nominations presented in Basque will also receive more points, along with those with the most information provided.

Rules of the contest can be found in Basque here; and in Spanish, here.

If you would like make a nomination, you can do so by filling out the following forms in Basque here; and in Spanish, here.

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