Corpus Christi, Argentina. The Literary Contest organized by the Atahualpa Yupanqui Library at Eusko Etxea celebrated its 8th edition in 2016, and as in prior editions gathered a large number of works sent from several countries, which complicated the judging a bit. In the end five works were awarded along with another ten that were distinguished, but also being from elsewhere, not all the winners could attend the ceremony in person.
Nevertheless, the ceremony took place as part of the Basque-Argentine Cultural Festival and Olga Leiciaga, club president, welcomed everyone present and also said that winners that were unable to attend would receive their prizes by mail. During the ceremony the first and second place texts were read, and special mention was awarded to Nancy Ivonne Oxalde, who was also in attendance. In the case of Hector Jose Sanjuas, Cesar Arrondo received the award on his behalf.
Following is a list of the winning works and those that received honorable mention:
-First prize: “La cruz de la baría” (Manuel Alexander Roblejo Proenza, Granma, Cuba)
-Second prize: “El espectáculo de papá Noel” (Salvador Robles Miras, Bilbao, Euskal Herria)
-Third prize: “Filántropos y maestros” (Héctor José Sanjuás, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
-Fourth prize: “La inundación” (Guillermo Santos Ledri, Gualeguaychú, Argentina)
-Fifth prize: “Consuelo” (José Lissidini Sánchez, Minas, Uruguay)
Honorable Mentions:
“Acertada decisión” (Ricardo Raúl Biglieri, Pergamino, Argentina)
“El despojo” (Facundo Gonzalo Gallego, La Banda, Santiago del Estero, Argentina)
“Esa sombra” (Ernesto Daniel Bollini, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
“La madre, la anciana” (Francisco Bautista Gutiérrez, Cádiz, Spain)
“El flamboyán” (Fernando González Castro, Villa Clara, Cuba)
“Los hilos de la sorguina” (Nancy Ivone Oxalde, Berisso, Argentina)
“Hermano que no pude acompañar” (Alberto Mario Martinena, Venado Tuerto, Argentina)
“Tierra sobre el cajón” (Rodrigo Fernando Gutiérrez, Banda del Río Salí, Tucumán Argentina)
“Y el ganador es…” (Juan José Genisans, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina)
“El viejito del acordeón” (Héctor Osvaldo Almirón, San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Argentina)