Neuquén, Argentina. After “a difficult evaluation,” the jury from the Comahue Basque Club in the city of Neuquen communicated the results of its 2nd Literary Contest this week. The jury was comprised of Dr. Iratxe Ezparza Martin (Ph.D. UPV/EHU); academics at the University of Comahue María Amelia Bustos, María Angélica Reybet and María Bernarda Torres; and club member Sonnia Beltran. The five winners were:
1st prize: Martine Olagoiti, for her story "Euskal Herria minimal. Un cuento sobre creación” (Minimal Euskal Herria. A Story about Creation)
2nd prize: Estrella Marión, for her story “El cofre" (The Chest)
3rd prize: Jesús de Zugazaga and Rique, for "La desventura de Maddalen" (The Misadventures of Maddalen)
4th prize: Laura Arizcuren, for “Clemente" (Clemente)
5th prize: Marcela Jorajuria Cerrasquera, for “Regresar para partir" (Return to Depart)
Since the winners don’t live in Neuquen, there will be a “symbolic” awards ceremony on Monday, June 10th at 8pm at the Bouquet de Reves Restaurant. Participating in the event will be local members of the jury and club.