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The City of La Plata distinguishes the Basque Club’s Soccer Team for the Blind as “a sporting example”


The La Plata Basque Club’s Soccer Team for the Blind at City Hall
The La Plata Basque Club’s Soccer Team for the Blind at City Hall


With a unanimous vote, and by means of the decree of the projected presented by the Advisory board of the FPV-PJ, Fabian Lugli, the City Council (Consejo Deliberante) of La Plata declared the members of the Soccer Team for the Blind as “Distinguished Sports Personalities.”  Receiving this honor are the members of the Basque Club’s Soccer Team for the Blind. Each player attending was presented a medal. 

La Plata, Argentina.   A part of the 17th ordinary session of the Deciding Counsel of La Plata held on August 24th, and attending to the decree presented by the president of the Advisory Board for the FPV-PJ, Fabian Lugli declared members of the Euzko Etxea’s Soccer Team for the Blind as “Distinguished Sports Personalities.”  Accompanied by their technical director, Martin Marelli, coordinators Emilio Nahuel Saenz and Hugo Nelli, players Lelio Sánchez, Walter Mendoza, Carlos Juárez, Pablo Villegas, Jonatan Gutiérrez and Matías Baldez attended the event and were presented a commemorative medal.

In the words of councilman Lugli, “The makeup of the team of youth who can’t see, or who are visually impaired who live in the city and play soccer.  The team has also participated in other events for social integration, sporting exhibitions that allow for the diffusion of the sport, engaging in acts of solidarity and standing up for the rights of persons with limited capabilities and other civil actions, and as soccer is their main sporting event, an integral function of fellowship, confidence, solidarity and security for people who are involved in this team also find a place to belong,” the decree’s author said.

In the name of his teammates, team captain, Lelio Sanchez addressed those present, thanking everyone for the distinction and leaving a clear message for integration into the society. Lelio Sanchez is also the conductor of lteh Euzko Etxea Basque Club radio program.

Euzko Etxea in La Plata also thanked the team and wanted to share their pride with the community for their work towards social and sporting integration of the Soccer Team for the Blind.  

(For more information on the team, its activities can be followed on social media. On Facebook: Centro Basko – Futbol Ciegos; on Instagram, as fubolciegocb)

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