The call for scholarships in the specialization of Foreign Action in Gasteiz, Brussels, Santiago and Bogota is published in the BOPV
Publication of in the BOPV of scholarships for specialization in Foreign Action 2018
The BOPV published on Tuesday, January 2nd included the call from the Basque Government’s Secretary General of Foreign Action for 8 scholarships specialized in Foreign Action in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Brussels, Santiago and Bogota. Tomorrow, the month-long application period begins. Scholarships last for 12 months and are aimed at degree holders looking for experience in this field: 4 for Gasteiz, 2 for Brussels, 1 for Santiago, Chile and 1 for Bogota, Colombia.
Vitoria-Gasteiz. The cal lis for scholarships for the specialization of professionals in the area of Foreign Action for 2018-2019, whose total budget is 160,000 Euros. In all 8 scholarships have been created aimed at specializing professionals in the areas relative to Foreign Relations and European Issues. The scholarships are for 12 months and recipients would carry out their activity in the following areas dependent of the administration of the Autonomous Basque Community of Euskadi:
- Four at the Secretary General of Foreign Action in Vitoria-Gasteiz. Each scholarship is 16,000 Euros
- Two at the Delegation of Euskadi at the European Union in Brussels. Each of these is 24,000 Euros
- Two at the Delegation of Euskadi in Chile, Peru and Colombia: one will be headquartered in Santiago, Chile, and the other at the delegation’s office in Bogota (Colombia). These are each worth 24,000 Euros
The resolution is available here . Bilingual text here; in pdf in Euskera, here; in Spanish, here