basque heritage worldwide
Boise, ID. The book An Enduring Legacy: The Story of Basques in Idaho by brothers Mark and John Bieter was published in 2003 by tthe University of Nevada Press and was later translated into Spanish by the Basque Government. The Boise blogger, Henar Chico, called our attention to the matter letting us know that it can now be downloaded from the Basque Government’s website free of charge. To download the book go here.
In her blog, Henar says that she got in touch with historian John Bieter to ask him about the downloadable version in pdf. In his response, Bieter explained that “Even though many see immigration as something lineal, like the movement from one nation to another, a more accurate description would be that it is a constant conversation and exchange between two nations. Having the book translated into Spanish gives us greater access to the other half of the conversation. I hope that next time we will have it in Basque!”
-The book is also available for purchase through Elkar, here
-To get the English version on Amazon go here
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