In the middle of the refugee crisis, the European Migration Association will hold its annual meeting in Turin, Italy. The meeting will begin with a conference where members will present their latest studies and research, today and tomorrow. The Basque Government, member of the entity, will be represented by Asier Vallejo, Director for Relations with the Basque Community Abroad.
Turin, Italy. “Europe and Migrations in the 3rd Millennium” is the title of this year’s conference of the AEMI, the Association of European Migration Institutions that will take place in Turin today through Saturday. The meeting is coming at the moment when the topic of migration is sadly in the news because of the serious refugee crisis in Europe with so many fleeing the war in Syria. Even if the deadline to submit presentations for the conference has long passed, it is sure that the issue will be treated in the conference debates.
Asier Vallejo, director of the Basque Community Abroad will participate in the conference representing the Basque Government, member of the AEMI. Conference sessions will take place today and tomorrow while the association’s annual meeting will take place on Saturday.
Program available here.