Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the coming weeks, there will be many festivities in Argentina to honor those who had to abandon their homeland and chose this country as their new home. Activities will run all month long, even if September 4th is officially Immigrant Day, a date chosen and established by a decree in 1949, during the presidency of Juan D. Peron. There are several towns that will pay tribute to immigrants with national groups and communities as their main guests. As in many other places, in Puerto Madryn the Euskal Etxea was part of a ceremony that took place yesterday in the Flag Plaza. Diana Lleonart was the standard bearer.
A similar celebration took place in Maipu where immigrants flew flags, in front of the Immigrant Monument, and sung anthems. The Anaitasuna Basque Club participated with the Argentine flag and the Ikurriña. Further north, in Villa Maria, Basques celebrated at the Casa Balear along with other communities with music, dance and song.
At the national level, FEVA, represented by Cristina Arregui, and the local Urrundik Basque Club participated last weekend in Parana at the 3rd National Gathering of Community Leaders.