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The Basque club in San Nicolas, “very satisfied” with its activity level during the 70th anniversary of its foundation


The Euskal Etxea in San Nicolas celebrating its 70th anniversary with dinner for 150 people (photo Diario El Norte)
The Euskal Etxea in San Nicolas celebrating its 70th anniversary with dinner for 150 people (photo Diario El Norte)


The commemorative festivities took place in the newly-air conditioned room at the Basque club and included a menu prepared by the club’s well-known cooks.  In addition to Paella for 150, the Basque club also provided guests music and Basque dances thanks to the local choir, Errekatarrak, and recently formed Roldan club dance group Euskel Biotza (sic).

San Nicolas, Argentina.  Last Saturday, November 15, the Basque community in San Nicolas celebrated its 70th anniversary at the Euskal Etxea.  After mass and a dance performance at the Mitre Plaza, guests enjoyed a dinner especially prepared by a group of club cooks who provided appetizers of chorizo and cider, garlic mousse and tuna mouse, Seafood Paella, pork, chicken, and strawberries with pepper ice cream.

In addition to the attractive menu, the choir could also be enjoyed during dinner, Errekatarrak that added Kantu bat da (It’s a song) composed by the group’s director, Jorge Menna.  This song, originally written in Spanish was translated into Basque by local Basque teachers Natalia Hormazabal and Begoña Tisera. It talks about integration between Parana and the Cantabrian.  There was also a dance performance by the dantzaris of Euskel Biotza from Roldan.

Finally, when it was time to toast the anniversary, they did so with words of the board members present, including local Mayor Ismael Passaglia, the President of FEVA Hugo Andiazabal, and the club’s president, Damian Cebey.  The President of the Junin Basque club, Rosario Sosa Jaca, was also in attendance.

Reviewing the last decade

The occasion became the time to review Basque club activities over the last few years, and share the excellent evaluation with those present.  As pointed out, and looking only at the last decade, the Euskal Etxea in San Nicolas has made great strides not only in improving their building and infrastructure, but also in terms of the range of activities that the institution provides its members, the local community, and the Basque Diaspora.

They mentioned Project such as “Etxe Nasaia,” where they invited elementary school children to lunch, “Diasporaren Herri Kirolak,” and “Irakurriz, hazi” to support sports and Reading respectively.  As well as collaborating in cultural activities with FEVA with gastronomic workshops, and participated in in community events, having served twice as the headquarters for barnetegis for the Euskara Munduan program, to mention a few of its accomplishments.


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