The Azkue Foundation has renovated the portal in order to make it a reference for Basque language bloggers. The portal automatically gathers contents from blogs in Euskera and orders them chronologically and categorically. There are four main characteristics: an archive of Basque bloggers, offers personalized content, become a data base of Basque bloggers as well as providing space for the Blogetan contest. Urtzi Urkizu wrote this article in Berria.
Urtzi Urkizu. In the words of the director of the Azkue Fundazioa Iurdana Akakuso, anyone who goes to the site will have the possibility of organizing the contents that they would like to receive in function of their own options and interests. “The blogs are classified in categories, and the user can select the ones they are interested in through various filters.” Akakuso also highlights that the relationship between the categories is open and that the portal is prepared to add new categories that may be necessary. Currently however, the categories are the following: technology, culture, science, politics, free time and society. Each also includes various subcategories.
“We would also like to note the participative nature of the new” she added. “Users can propose blogs, including some that have not yet be indexed so that among us all, we complete and enrich the list of Basque blogs.” As with all social media, each user will chose from the database of blogs that they would like to follow and will receive the contents of those chosen.
This is the only site that exclusively gathers contents of blogs in Euskera in its “"Euskal blogarien bilduma,” section.
Akakuso also stresses the contribution that the Fundación Azkue is making with this new site. “We are convinced that it will be a valuable innovative proposal, creating a space for Basque bloggers while providing a very useful tool for users in Euskera.” In her opinion, it will be as useful for the bloggers as for their followers. “It provides creators the possibility to improve the reach and exposure of their blogs and offer them a new window to reach new readers. Regarding users, our desire is to bring them closer and put the variety and plurality of options offered by the world of Basque bloggers at their disposal.”
The site includes blogs from the pages of Berria: Nafar periferiatik, by Bixente Serrano Izko; Ergeletan ergelenak, by Asier Azpilikueta; Iparraldeko neska, by Castillo Suarez; Egunero argitzen duelako, by Itxaro Mendizabal; Lerro batzuk, by Enekoitz Esnaola; and Inon izatekotan, by Juan Luis Zabala.
(Adapted from the Basque original published in Berria)