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The Ayacucho Basque Club celebrated Carnival and is getting ready for the 2019 Calf Festival


2019 Carnival at Euskal Odola in Ayaucho
2019 Carnival at Euskal Odola in Ayaucho


Ayacucho, Argentina. Members of the Euskal Odola Basque Club gather every month for dinner, always with a special theme.  In February, it was Carnival and so the dinner last Saturday not only included a special homemade menu, but also after dinner they shared party favors and invited those present, some 100 guests or so to dance.  The party lasted until dawn with the music of Julio Servinof and his band.

In March, they are getting ready for their city’s most important event, the National Calf Festival and Día de la Yerra that will take place March 10-17.  As every year, the presentation of the festival’s queen

The Basque club will provide dinner on March 8th to present the 24 candidates including the representatives of Eusko Odola.  On March 17th, the last day of the festival, the candidate will be carried on a special float prepared for the occasion, through the streets of the city.

Dinner photos, here.

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