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The Alaiak Choir in Caracas welcomed colleagues “Dolça Catalunya” at a concert in Basque, Catalan and Spanish


Basque and Catalan choir gathering organized by the Eusko Etxea in Caracas (photo Julen Azpiritxaga Zubizarreta)
Basque and Catalan choir gathering organized by the Eusko Etxea in Caracas (photo Julen Azpiritxaga Zubizarreta)


Caracas, Venezuela. The Alaiak Choir from the Eusko Etxea in Caracas welcomed the Dolça Catalunya from the Catalan Center in the Venezuelan capital.  The concert, in return for the invitation of the Basque choir to the Catalan club in October, opened with the guests who began the recital in Catalan.  The performance by the Dolça Catalunya Choir include songs in Catalan and Spanish and were very warmly received by the audience.

The host choir opened the concert in Spanish and closed with the classic “Txoria Txori,” by Mikel Laboa translated to the public by Nekane Barrondo.

The event took place on November 10th and concluded with songs by both groups accompanied by the audience that especially animated the gathering. Before saying goodbye, everyone shared a toast provided by the hosting club’s board of directors.

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