Viedma-Carmen de Patagones, Argentina. Last Thursday, May 16th, the Basque club in Viedma and Carmen de Patagones inaugurated a new cultural cycle, “People of the Diaspora,” that included artists Monica Insaurralde and sommelier Betiana Gailondo who spoke about their respective work, and shared their art and also the stories of their Basque ancestors with the audience. “Painting and wine, what could go wrong,” the organizers said, happy with the success of the event, the first meeting of the cycle.
The “People of the Diaspora,” cycle was proposed by Elisabet Arraras Zabala Rampoldi, member of the local Abestu Beti Choir and a club collaborator. It consist of inviting people of Basque heritage from different areas to talk about their work and their relationship to the community. “The goal is to expand the activities that we offer, and present personalities in the area and enrich the Euskal Etxea and the community with their cultural contributions, they explained.
Encouraged by the success of this first event, the club has begun thinking about a next one. According to club sources, it will be at the end of the year combined with other end of the year events.