Improvisers from the Canary Islands, Catalonia and the Basque Country will gather this Friday and Saturday in Barcelona as part of the “Europa bat-batean/Suddenly Europe” event. In September there was another event in Leon, and after begin in Barcelona will move to Donostia in the spring and summer as part of the collaboration with the Donostia 2016 European Cultural Capital.
Barcelona, Catalonia. Bertsolaris Beñat Gaztelumendi and Miren Amuriza are in Barcelona this Friday and Saturday, participating in the “Europa bat-batean/Suddenly Europe” event, a cultural exchange between the Canary Islands, Catalonia and the Basque Country focused on the tradition of improvisation.
Representing the Canary Islands will be versifiers Yeray Rodruguez and Lydia Moreno accompanied by musician Jose Maria Vega. Representing Catalonia will be glossators Mireia Mena and Ferriol Macip, along with musicians Marcel Marimon and Marçal Ramon. Ainhoa Aranburu will be in charge of presenting and setting topics, while Marc Fabrer will be translating.
Friday, November 6
-22:00: Improvisers’ performance, glossators and bertsolaris
Place: Badalona, Teatre Blas Infante (Andrés Segovia kalea, 43)
Saturday, November 7
-12:00: Roundtable with representatives of the three traditions of improvisation
Place: Barcelona, Centre Artesà Tradicionàrius (Travessia de Sant Antoni 6-8)
-22:00: Improvisers’ performance, glossators and bertsolaris
Place: Barcelona, Ateneu L’Harmonia (Saint Adrià Kalea 20)