Guillermo Villate, Jorge Otaño, Carlos Irisarri, Txarito Naya, Marité Echegoyen and Luis Luquez along with the city’s representative
For the third year in a row, professors from the Basque University in Buenos Aires association gave a series of talks on various themes linked to the Basque Country at the city’s Directorate of Culture invited by the Secretary of Culture, Education and Communication, of the municipality of Gral. Madariaga. The event had great impact and promises to become an annual event.
Gral. Madariaga, Argentina. On September 19th and 20th, and sponsored by the municipality, members of the Basque University in Buenos Aires carried out a series of talks in the city of Gral. Madariaga.
Local authorities welcomed the guests and presented a series that continued into Friday with talks on: mythology (Lic. Txarito Naya), Basque cuisine (Lic. Marité Echegoyen), Miguel de Unamuno (Dr. Miguel Barrios) and Basque piracy (Dr. Jorge Otaño). Saturday’s program, on the other hand, included the following: Basque geology (Prof. Guillermo Villate), “History of the Eyras Family” (Lic. Guillermina Eyras), “Migration…the other View” (Prof. Luis Luquez) and Iparralde (Dr. Carlos Irisarri).
The initiative originated, according to Marite Echegoyen, from the UVBA, because “one of our teachers, Luis Luquez, who lived there as a child, was contacted by the city of Madariaga, Even if there isn’t a Basque club in Gral. Madariaga currently, as the locals say, ‘There is a Basque at every corner.’” And since the invitation came from the city, the event had a great impact. In addition, we now can count on the collaboration of Geologist Guillermo Villate, also a Madariaga native, who has joined in on our project, not only at this event but also at events that took place at the end of August and beginning of September at the Library of Congress and at the University of Palermo, last year.”
Once again encouraged by the positive feedback from this event, and by the support received by the local community and the members of the UVBA, they hope that this conference can take place again in the future on an annual basis.