The organizing Basque club, Euzko Alkartasuna in Macachin, made it public yesterday through FEVA. The possibility of having a runoff in the presidential elections forced the change of the date. So the new the new dates are October 26-November 1.
basque heritage worldwide
The organizing Basque club, Euzko Alkartasuna in Macachin, made it public yesterday through FEVA. The possibility of having a runoff in the presidential elections forced the change of the date. So the new the new dates are October 26-November 1.
Buenos Aires, Argentina. The notice came from the Macachin Basque club and FEVA announced the date change due “to the possibility of a run off in the Argentinean elections, that take place on November 22, and so we are obliged to move our celebration forward to October 26 through November 1, 2015.”
The coincidence of a run off would make the event an impossibility since voting is obligatory.
The new dates again, are October 26-November 1 and no further changes are expected.
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