Salto, Uruguay. With the Saltoko Euskaldunen Taldea as the main promoter, the city of Salto has organized Harrriague Week that will take place April 8-14 in honor of Pascual Harriague, founder of the Harriague Bodega, birthplace of the Tannat grape that is actually a symbol of Uruguay. During the entire week, there will be cultural, sportive, and recreational activities as well as food events, tastings and presentations.
The week’s main event will take place on April 13th with the “Ardo Festa,” (Wine and Olive Fest) that will include the participation of bodegas and oil mills from all over the country. Anyone wishing to attend the event should contact the Saltoko Euskaldunen Taldea on Facebook: Grupo Vasco Salto.
The event is also sponsored by the Cenur-Litoral Norte, University of the Republic of Uruguay, the University of the Basque Country and the city of Salto among other institutions.