
EuskalKultura has made the difficult decision to cancel the English edition of its bulletin. Last week’s will be the last one for now. A decided militant commitment to Basque culture and the Basque Diaspora have been hallmarks of EuskalKultura from its inception, without making the economic aspects the priority (because if not, we would surely not have even started the EuskalKultura project). In the ...

Miguel Boado isn’t just a member but has also become one of the pillars of the Olavarria Basque Club. Although a Basque descendant --his family tree includes the surnames Bergara and Urbina -- it was through his daughters, who began dancing with the club dantzaris, that he joined Gure Etxe Maitea. That is when he began collaborating in various activities especially in the area of ...

As we published yesterday, the 31st edition of the AEMI (Association of European Migration Institutions) Conference will take place this Thursday and Friday organized by the Basque Government’s Directorate of the Basque Community Abroad. The conference can be followed online via streaming, with links provided here:

Sunday, October 3rd is the deadline to vote for candidates for the 2021 Manuel Lekuona Award presented by Eusko Ikaskuntza, the Society of Basque Studies. In this edition, there are 9 candidates including two with direct ties to the Diaspora and this bulletin, Arantzazu Ametzaga is the pure history of our Diaspora, and a luxury collaborator with EuskalKultura.eus. Elixabete Garmendia, is a journalist and ...

The Palacio Miramar in San Sebastian will be the site of the 2021 AEMI (Association of European Migration Institutions) meeting and conference this Thursday and Friday, September 30 and October 1st. The Basque Government through its Directorate for the Basque Community Abroad organized the event as a member of the association since 2007 when it joined at the meeting that took place in Turku, Finland. It was ...

After 18 months of no activities due to the pandemic, the Basque club in the Colombian capital once again gathered members and friends, in this case for an informal lunch. The event took place on Saturday, September 25th and the menu prepared especially for the occasion by the local El Vasco included pintxos and paella. After lunch, there were toasts and speeches, those present then took their places around ...

Beginning this academic year, the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) in Georgia will provide classes on both Basque language and culture thanks to an agreement signed with the Etxepare Basque Institute. It is common knowledge that a fraternal historic relationship exists between Georgia and the Basque Country, and there are academics who defend theories that relate the origin of ...

This Basque club in the province of Cordoba will begin its 75th anniversary program this week. On Wednesday, September 29th at 7pm mass will be celebrated at the Father of the Trinity Church and at 8pm a commemorative plaque will be unveiled, followed by a toast at the clubhouse. The festivities will continue on Saturday, October 2nd, at the Sociedad Rural in Villa Maria.

The re-entry of September, the beginning of a new academic year, and the celebration of the Day of the Basque Diaspora have been propitious occasions at many Basque clubs around the world. For many, at the dawn of some improvement in data regarding the pandemic in different countries, where important steps have been taken to meet in person again, that strive to return to “normality.” That is what ...

Emerging from her academic training, the documentary “Bakaiku, unica casa,” by Argentine Maru Roson, is an intimate story of family history, in which the young director tells about the arrival of her great-grandfather, Luciano Urrestarazu, a native of Bakaiku, in the south American country, and her return to his hometown, to get to know the Basque legacy in person, that came to her from her ...