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Patxi eta Konpainia will begin a tour today taking Basque dance throughout France, ending in Paris


Dantzari Patxi Perez during a Basque dance workshop in Argentina last year
Dantzari Patxi Perez during a Basque dance workshop in Argentina last year


The Patxi eta Konpainia group, directed by dancer Patxi Perez, will begin a tour of France today in Colomiers (Toulouse) where they will teach people how to Basque dance with some open workshops that are fun and festive.  They will then share some dances and most likely some Patxaran in Montélimar and Basaçon, to end the tour on January 31 with a performance at the Paris Euskal Etxea. 

Bilbao, Bizkaia.  People in France will have the opportunity, starting today, to learn Basque dance thanks to workshops taught by the Patxi eta Konpainia group.  The group, directed by dance instructor Patxi Perez, continues the tradition of plaza dancing, traditional Basque dances that are danced in a group during festivals and public dances.  From this idea, the group teaches how to dance the fandango, zortzikos and other dances all in an enjoyable and participative atmosphere.

The tour will begin today in Colomiers (Toulouse), where Patxi eta Konpainia were invited by the Eguzki Loreak group.  Afterwards they will perform in Motnelimar (Drome) and Basaçon (Doubs).  In these localities, Patxi and his musicians “are prepared to share dance, music and their Patxaran too with the local dancers,” the group said.

The tour will conclude on January 31 at the Paris Euskal Etxea where the group will participate in the “Gaurko eta atzoko gazteak” (Today and Yesterday’s Youth) event, as part of the 60th anniversary celebration of the Paris Basque club.

In the fall, return to Argentina

This summer Patxi eta Konpainia will tour the towns and the plazas of the Basque Country and afterwards they will visit Argentina in October-November in hopes of sharing their dances with the Argentine Basque community, great lovers of Basque dance.  This will be their second visit, and second half of Patxi Perez’s project that began last year, teaching courses and performing shows in Commodoro (Buenos Aires), as well as visiting Necochea, Bahia Blanca and Bariloche.


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