Rosario, Argentina. After a year in which, like so many other activities linked to Basque clubs, were interrupted by quarantine, the radio program “Palabra de Vasco,” (The Basque Word) returned to the airwaves last April. In this new season the historic host of the show, Luis Maria Barrandequy, will be accompanied, as in recent years, by Cristina Arregui and Luisa Churruca, both members of the Emakume Aberzale Batza in Rosario.
Conceived since its origin as “the voice of the Zazpi,” refering to the local Zazpiak Bat Basque Club, “Palabra de Vasco,” is exclusively used to share news from the Euskal Etxea. This is also the space where Barrandeguy joins the campaign to find one hundred new club members. The team at “Palabra de Vasco,” is going even further and provides anyone who becomes a member an acorn from the Tree of Gernika that grows in Rosario to be planted “at their homes, or on their balconies.”
In regards to other parts of the program, besides the news from the club, the radio program also provides news from Euskal Herria, Basque music, and interviews with the collaboration of columnist Haritz Etxeberria from Bilbao in an interesting section of contents from the Onda Vasca.
The “Palabra de Vasco,” has been on the air for 18 years and is broadcast weekly live on Tuesdays from 1pm-2pm on AM Radio Libertad Rosario (1.090 Khz). It is also recorded to be enjoyed anytime and the weekly program can also be heard on Sunday at the same times.
“Palabra de Vasco,” is also online with shows uploaded to the club’s website where they can be heard anytime from anywhere in the world.