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Painter, Miguel Etxebarria accompanies Euskal Sustraiak in Trenque Lauquen in its traditional Ham Festival


Some of the Euskal Sustraiak board of directors at the Ham Festival
Some of the Euskal Sustraiak board of directors at the Ham Festival


And not by coincidence.  In fact, members of the club in Trenque Lauquen, contacted the Basque artist who lives in Les Landes and who had already announced that he would be at Semana Vasca in San Nicolas because he had been chosen to be the official painter of the Ham Festival in Baiona in 2016.  Besides sharing dinner with members and friends, of Euskal Sustraiak, Etxebarria also exhibited some of his works in the local museum. 

Trenque Lauquen, Argentina.   The Euskal Sustraiak Basque Club celebrated the 9th edition of its Ham Festival on October 14th and as always the event was very successful: attended by some 500 people in the Barrio Alegre Club to not only enjoy dinner but also music and dancing.

The organizers delighted their guests with a menu based on platters of homemade salami, roast, salads and desserts.  Entertainment for the evening was provided by the club’s dantzaris who performed an Aurresku, Fandango and Arin Arin, as well as Zinta Dantza by the txikis.  There was also a kalejira between the tables with the audience also participating.  After midnight the dance started to the music provided by local DJs.

Following the festivities’ program, the club also held various raffles, and distributed interesting prizes; two trips to different parts of the country, a ham with two wines and various articles that were donated by local businesses. When it came time to thank their guests, the board of directors not only thanked them, but Basque painter, Miguel Etxebarria, also addressed those gathered.

“Basques from here and there”

During his stay in Trenque Lauquen, October 13-14, Miguel Etxebarria exhibited 13 of his works in the local Comandancia Museum.  According to Jorge Ortiza, club spokesperson, “I was the one who contacted Miguel.  I asked him if he would like to attend our festival and he said that he had just been chosen as the official painter for the Ham Festival in Baiona.  He was also preparing works to exhibit at Semana Vasca 2017 and so he made time for us on his agenda.  The Secretary of Culture also supported us in this by opening the doors of the museum.”

Miguel Etxebarria will also exhibit his works “Basques from here and there,” in San Nicolas as part of Semana Nacional Vasca, November 6-12, in the Concejo Deliberante and at Art School #501.  He will also exhibit in Buenos Aires from November 27-December 1 at the Hall of Honor at the Legislature on Peru Street 130.  Born in France, but with strong Basque roots which have influenced his art, Etxebarria paints Basque themes, the coast, the mountains, the sea and baserris, typical festivals, myths, daily life and also about the Basque presence in the Diaspora.

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