Gral. Rodriguez, Argentina. To accept the books and to especially thank the Basque club’s contribution, the city government organized an event that began at the Sarmiento Plaza, in front of the historic train station, the origin of the present-day city, and continued at the Dr. Bernardo de Irigoyen Museum. There plaques were unveiled and the local Mayor, Dario Kubar, addressed those present.
As club president, Raul Taretto, explained to, “along with the city’s 152nd anniversary, we were also celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Museum. It was an honor for us that a citizen of Basque ancestry, Bernardo de Irigoyen, was one of the city’s pioneers. He married another person of Basque origin, Carmen Olascoaga and they lived in the area since their marriage in 1854.”
Books with great historical value
Presided by the local authorities, the Honorable Council, and a large audience, the club’s president presented the Mayor, Dario Kubar, with the twelve historic books about the city. The books are from the end of the 19th century, and some date back to 1881, when the Gral. Rodriguez county (partido) was founded. They include the city’s first book of records, from school board and ledgers of the Honorable Council, as well as letters received at that time which are annexed to the books records. As Taretto explained, “this material came to our Nikomedes Iguain Azurza library by an anonymous donation some years ago. The librarian, Francisca “Kika” Vicente, worked hard to preserve them but was also thought that this material was better placed in the city and should return to the community. That is why was decided making this material a gift.”
After addresses by Taretto and Kubar, the mayor also presented the Eusko Aterpea with a gift; a national flag, a flag of the Province of Buenos Aires and a local one. The material presented by the Basque club will become part of the heritage of the Bernardo de Irigoyen Museum where they are already working on preserving them.
Aberri Eguna
The Eusko Aterpea also celebrated Aberri Eguna with a BBQ for 160 people including Mayor Dario Kubar. Friends in the area also joined in the festivities. There was representation from the surrounding cities of Suipacha, Pilar, José C. Paz, Gral. Las Heras, Moreno, Merlo, Capital Federal and Lujan “which meant that the room was at full capacity,” club members said. To thank everyone for coming, Taretto addressed everyone there. (See video here).