Córdoba, Argentina. You still have time to enroll. You can be part of the course, even if you didn’t attend the first session last Monday. In order to enroll email geroracordoba@gmail.com. Classes are taught by three young musicians with great skills, Fernando Zabalza, Noé Fernández and Santiago Chamorro, members of the “Lurra eta Haizea” music group at the local Gerora Basque association. You can read the program and about the course here. No prior knowledge is required.
To date 21 people have participated with all with varied backgrounds, “from Basque club members who want to learn how to play txistu, to professional musicians interested in the instrument, to others who don’t know music but want to learn about txistu's history and its function. Nearly the same number of men and women have participated, maybe a few more women,” Santiago Chamorro told EuskalKultura.eus when asked about the profile of participants.
He also told us that they are of all ages. Geographically they are connecting from Córdoba, Tandil, Azul, Cañuelas, Capital Federal, Rosario, Bahía Blanca, Misiones, La Matanza, Uruguay and Colombia.
If you are interested, enroll right away by emailing geroracordoba@gmail.com and you’ll receive instructions.
The next class will be on Monday, June 21st and the last one on Monday, June 28th always from 8-9:30pm Argentina time.