The deadline to nominate candidates for the ENE Saria for 2016 is November 18. This award presented annually by Eusko Ikaskuntza recognizes the work of entities in the Diaspora in favor of Euskera during the preceding year. The name of the entity or winning person will be communicated on December 3, coinciding with celebrations of Euskararen Nazioarteko Eguna (ENE, International Day of Euskera).
Donostia-San Sebastian. The winning entity, besides receiving credit and recognition of the work done, will also receive a reproduction of the anagram in iron and stainless steel designed expressly for the International Day of Euskera by Nestor Basterretxea.
Anyone wishing to make a nomination should fill out this form.
The award is open to any entity outside of Euskal Herria, including associations who have already been awarded in prior editions, and who continue to work to promote Euskera. Federations are not eligible, but their member entities are.
Eusko Ikaskuntza understands the promotion and the dissemination of the Basque language in its expressions as instruction, written literature, oral literature; film and creative works (consult contest rules). The jury will take into consideration the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the proposals, as well as any novelties in the areas of promotion ideas. Candidates will also be measured in regards to their function, context and resources of each.
Eusko Ikaskuntza declared the International Day of Euskera in 1949 for the first time, in hopes of making the entire world aware of the language. Following the original philosophy, in 20016, it created the ENE Award and since then, these have been the winners:
- 2015. Associazione Culturale Euskara. Rome
- 2014. Gernika Deutsch-Baskischer Kulturverei. Berlin, Germany
- 2013. Euskaltzaleak. City of Buenos Aires
- 2012. Unión Vasca. Bahia Blanca, Argentina
- 2011. Madrilgo Euskal Etxea. Madrid, Spain
- 2010. Sustraiak-Erroak Elkartea. Paris, France
- 2009. North American Basque Organizations (NABO). USA
- 2008. Bordeleko Euskal Etxea. Bordeaux, France
- 2007. Bartzelonako Euskal Etxea. Barcelona. Catalonia
- 2006. Artaburu Euskaltzale Elkartea. Mar de Plata, Argentina