Winnemucca, NV, USA. The North American Basque Organizations, the federation of Basque entities in the US, held its annual convention meeting last Friday in Winnemucca, NV hosted by the local Euskaldunak Danak Bat Basque Club. According to NABO statutes, elections for president and treasurer are held annually at this gathering. Annie Gavica, elected president in 2017 in Buffalo, Wyoming, did not run for reelection leaving only one candidate, Philippe Acheritogaray. Acheritogaray earned the confidence of those present, and is now the new NABO president, with Annie Gavica becoming his vice-president.
After the election, Acheritogaray proposed Kate Camino, current NABO facilitator, as the new secretary, taking over for Lael Uberuaga-Rodgers. The proposal was passed, making Camino the new NABO secretary, combining hereinafter both tasks.
The office of treasurer is also elected and Mayie (Berterretche) Petracek was reelected unanimously, who also serves as the president of the Colorado Euskal Etxea.