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NABO seeks 12 people interested in learning Basque and becoming instructors


Euskara teachers and NABO and HABE's representatives at their last meeting in Salt Lake City (photo HABE)
Euskara teachers and NABO and HABE's representatives at their last meeting in Salt Lake City (photo HABE)


If you live in the US, are 16 or older and are interested in learning Basque and becoming a Basque language instructor, here is a great opportunity for you. NABO is offering the chance to learn Basque online and then become a teacher at your local Euskal Etxea. NABO is looking for a minimum of 12 people to start this program, completely free of charge for the students. Izaskun Kortazar, NABO's Euskara coordinator is the contact for those interested.

Boise, USA. NABO is looking for at least 12 people interested in learning Basque and becoming Basque instructors at their local Euskal Etxeak.  These individuals would become key players in maintaining and disseminating Basque culture and heritage in the US. If you are interested you must be 16 or older.  Prior knowledge of Basque is not required but you do need the OK of your Basque club to participate. 

The program begins by learning Basque at home with an internet program called Ikasten found on HABE's website. HABE is an organization in the Basque Country whose mission is to facilitate learning and teaching Basque.  This program also includes support from a Basque teacher in the Basque country if additional help is needed; otherwise all of the necessary materials are available on-line.

This program will start once NABO has a minimum of 12 students. The course is free as long as the participant completes 80% of the program. The commitment is to work on the on-line program completing 1 chapter every 2 weeks (3 hours a week) from September 15th to December 15th and from January 15th to May 15th. You will also have to attend a barnetegi (intensive language course) for one week a year. Once the program is completed the commitment is then to teach for a minimum of two years for three hours a week. 

If you are interested in taking part in this free program, contact Izaskun Kortazar, NABO's Euskara coordinator:

Izaskun Kortazar
2525 S Ormond, Boise, ID 83705
1-208-891-2679 (c)
1-208-426-3798 (w)

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