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More than one hundred members and friends commemorated in Chaco the 16 anniversary of Kotoiaren Lurra


Kotoiaren Lurra's dance group at last Friday's festivities.  (PhotoEE)
Kotoiaren Lurra's dance group at last Friday's festivities. (PhotoEE)


The Kotoiaren Lurra Basque club, in Resistencia, capital of the Chaco province in Argentina celebrated the 16 anniversary of its founding on September 7. The event gathered more than 100 people, members and friends of the Basque club, at the Don Bosco School in the capital of Chaco. Many of those gathered are also members of other associations of different communities in the province, and participated in the gathering where they could enjoy the club’s dancers, directed by Andrea Tamer.

Resistencia, Argentina.  Sources from Kotoiaren Lurra indicated that the anniversary celebration went "very well and all who attended were very happy as they were able to enjoy wonderful paella at the Don Bosco School in the city of Resistencia".

More than 100 members and friends attended the event, “as well as representatives of different communities of Chaco: Ukrainians, Italians, French, Spanish, Austrians, Bulgarians, and people from Israel,” as indicated in the note that was sent to

As host, and Kotoiaren Lurra’s President, Fabio Echarri addressed those in attendance who shared the evening of brotherhood.  He also took stock of his last year in office as well as announced the completion of new projects. 

The club’s dance group performed at the end of the night, directed by Professor Andrea Tamer.


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