basque heritage worldwide
Donostia-San Sebastian. HABE has informed of the renewing of agreements of collaboration to teach Basque in Basque clubs in South America over the last few weeks. In Argentina, for example, the agreement with FEVA was renewed, allowing some 700 students to learn Basque in a large number of Argentinean Basque clubs. In Chile, the clubs that signed include Euzko Etxea in Santiago, Euzko Etxea in Valparaiso and the Basque Collectivity of Chile that teaches more than 80 students.
In Uruguay agreements were renewed with FIVU, Saltoko Euskaldunen Taldea in Salto and the Euskal Erria club in Montevideo that will provide classes for nearly 135 adult students. Finally, in Brazil the Eusko Brasildar Etxea in Sao Paulo also renewed its agreement that will give classes to more than 80 students according to HABE.
First Barnetegi of a new period
On a related note, HABE was also very satisfied with the first Barnetegi (boarding school) for teacher training as part of the 2013-2016 period. As part of HABE’s Euskara Munduan program, alongside South American Basque clubs, a second round of training has been launched for prospective teachers in the area. In that spirit, a group of future teachers gathered last month for an intensive Barnetegi in the city of San Nicolas, Argentina. The organization and the logistics of the Barnetegi were shared between the Euskal Etxea of San Nicolas and FEVA
The Barnetegi included teachers from Argentina (Chascomús, Buenos Aires, Concordia, Córdoba, Corpus Christi, Mar del Plata, San Nicolas, Santa Rosa, Tandil, Tres Arroyos, Necochea and Puerto Madryn), Chile (Santiago and Viña de Mar), Uruguay (Montevideo --Euskal Erria, Euskaro and Haize Hegoa-- and Salto), Brazil (Eusko Brasildar Etxea and Eusko Alkartasuna of Sao Paulo), Venezuela (Valencia of Carabobo), Colombia (Medellin), El Salvador and Peru.
“Participant's evaluations have been very good,” Kinku Zinkunegi, technician from HABE told “Teachers have returned to their clubs with renewed vigor and in March, when the new course begins in South America, they will continue to learn Basque via distance learning (on-line). As part of the program they will have a new unit of study and exercises to do, every week using”
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20009 Donostia / San Sebastián
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