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Meetings, contests, danborrada, kalejiras…Necochea went full blast on Saturday (2)


Delegations gathered in front of the euskal etxea to make their way to the Paris Theater (photo
Delegations gathered in front of the euskal etxea to make their way to the Paris Theater (photo


Various forms of Basque culture were experienced during Semana Vasca in Necochea, among them was the traditional Danborrada from Donostia. Under the direction of Jose Maria Abad from Gaztelubide accompanied by many drummers, the Basque rhythm livened up the afternoon in the city. The day that had begun early with meetings of the Basque clubs and libraries, ended with typical kalejiras, and dancing into the night. Following is the second photographic report on Necochea 2011.

Necochea, Argentina. As every year, and in compliance with the previewed Semana Vasca schedule, a meeting of the Basque club delegates took place at 9:30am. It took place at the euskal etxea headquarters and more than 35 Basque clubs/centers were represented all as part of the Federation of Basque Entities in Argentina or FEVA. Basque Government representatives Julian Celaya, director of Basque Citizens and Collectivities Abroad, as well as Elvira Cortajarena, Basque Government representative of Mercosur; and technician Andoni Martin, were accompanied to the meeting by FEVA president Ricardo Basterra. At the same time, in the Basque club’s culture room, another meeting took place for Basque librarians. In the afternoon, music and dance performances, and kalejiras wrapped up the days activities on the second to last day of Semana Vasca 2011

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[The Basque Library leaders held their annual meeting at Semana Vasca. Participants included: Laura Nobile from Euskaldunak Denak Bat in Arrecifes; Susana Echaide, Miriam Oyarzabal and Omar Gardon from Euskal Sustraiak from Trenque Launquen; Ceclia Arrillaga, from Union Vasca from Bahia Blanca; Mercedes Navas and Aurora Darreche Echeandia from Toki Eder in Jose C. Paz; Andrea Boado and Guillermo Arnau from Gure Etxe Maitia in Olavarria; Maria Fernada Astigarraga from Euzko Etxea in La Plata; Agustina Olaizola from Eusko Aterpea from Gral. Rodriguez; Viviana Dominguez from Euzko Etxea of Necochea; Maria Ester Arrondo from Lagunen Etxea in Laprida; Emilse Iriart from Beti Aurrera in Chivilcoy; Celia Escudero from Euskaltzaleak in Buenos Aires; Marta Abarrategui FEVA secretary; and Luciano Etchepare who is in charge of library programs for FEVA. All were welcomed by Ricardo Basterra (photo]

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[Basque club delegates met at the same time. Julian Celaya and Elvira Cortajarena addressed those present and Ricardo Basterra also gave an overview of FEVA’s activities in 2011 (photo]

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[Necochea’s Euzko Etxea president, Felipe Muguerza, also greeted the Basque club delegates that participated in Semana Vasca.  Pictured, Julian Celaya, Ricardo Basterra, Elvira Cortajarena and Felipe Muguerza (photo]

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[On its tenth anniversary, stands firm in its work at the heart of the Basque Diaspora.  Joseba Etxarri participated in the 2011 Semana at the meeting of the Basque clubs and encouraged the Basque club representatives to continue to use the newsletter as a means to share their clubs news and activities with other institutions (photo]

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[Teachers, students, alumni and prospective students toured the Basque Language Corner (Euskara Txokoa) in euskera teaching and learning a few phrases. The teacher from Rio Cuarto, Paul Cufre, was in charge throughout the weekend (photo]

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[Contest posters and postcards were also on exhibit at the same Txoko (photo]

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[There is a great Danborrada tradition in Necochea since they celebrate San Sebastian day every year.  They covered the streets for Semana Vasca as well, but in this instance with special guests.  On the one hand, the drums of various Basque clubs and on the other, under the direction of Jose Maria Abad, from the traditional Gastronomic Society of Donostia Gaztelubide (photo]

[The sounds of Donostia in Necochea (video]


[Aukeran Dantza Konpainia debuted with their steps to the rhythm of the drums (video]

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[Once the danborrada was over the Basque club delegations left the Euzko Etxea for the Paris Theater.  The neighbors of Necochea also enjoyed the colors and sounds of the kalejiras, the music of trikis and txistus (photo]

[Following the rhythm of the music, the group covered the streets of downtown Necochea (video]

To be continued

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