We are combining two announcements that have little to do with each other. On the one hand, a Basque Restaurant in Bordeaux is looking for a chef with a specialization in Basque cooking. On the other, the Ikerbasque Foundation has opened a call for ten research posts for people who are working outside Euskadi in hopes of attracting them to Basque research institutions.
Donostia-San Sebastian. Beginning with the first job offer, a Basque Restaurant in Bordeaux, located in the downtown area of Les Chartrons, is looking for a chef specialized in Basque and Basque/Spanish cooking. It offers a fixed indefinite contract with a salary of 3,000 Euros a month, plus bonuses depending on the applicant’s performance. They are seeking a person with experience and initiative, who can lead as a head chef with extensive knowledge of Basque cooking with a desire to spread, advance, and evolve and educate from their position.
Interested persons should contact Michel Grat-Guiraute by calling: +33 (0)632 494450 or by calling the restaurant (12 rue Sicard 33000 Bordeaux) at this number +33 (0)556 511129.
The Ikerbasque Foundation has also made a call to attract ten researchers to the Basque Country, who may be working in institutions elsewhere around the world. The announcement and complete information are available on the website: Ikerbasque.net.