2017 NABO Mus winners (left to right) Pierre Etcharren, NABO Mus Chair; Victor Albistur, Andres Lejardi, Gregorio Undabeitia, and Amador Zabalbeascoa (photoNABO)
Mus is easily one of the biggest draws in Basque clubs in the United States. As a testament, nearly every NABO member organization sent representation to the NABO Mus Tournament that took place last weekend in Caruthers, CA at the Campos Brothers Farms. At the end of the day, the team from Homedale, Idaho’s Txoko Ona club emerged victorious. Zorionak, Andres Lejardi and Gregorio Undabeitia (first, from Homedale, ID) and Amador Zabalbeascoa and Victor Albistur (second, from Los Banos, CA).
Caruthers, CA, USA- Last Saturday, June 10th, the Campos Brothers Farms was converted into the site for the North American Basque Organizations annual Mus Tournament. Forty three teams gathered to vie for the chance to represent NABO and the United States at the upcoming World Mus Championships that will also be hosted by NABO this year. The World Mus Championships will take place in both San Francisco and Chino California August 25th-September 3rd.
On Saturday the event began with registration at 8am followed by tournament play beginning promptly at 9am. The forty three teams were divided into six tables, and would play until eventually the field was narrowed down to two teams in the finals. These teams were Andres Lejardi and Gregorio Undabeitia, representing the Txoko Ona Basque Club in Homedale, Idaho, and Amador Zabalbeascoa and Victor Albistur from the Los Banos Basque Club. At the end of the day, Txoko Ona was awarded the first place trophy with Los Banos coming in second. As NABO is the host of this year’s World Mus Tournament, both first and second place teams will advance and represent the US at the next level.
After the tournament concluded there was still time for some good food, good music and comradery. Everyone involved in the tournament organization would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for participating, as well as extend a special thank you to the Campos families for their wonderful hospitality. Mila esker handi bat!
-Mus World Championship webpage: http://globalmus.com