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Korrika came to Boise: “Why do we speak Euskara? Because it’s fun!”


Boise Korrikalariak (Korrika runners) in front of the Euskal Etxea before the race (photo BoisekoIkastola)
Boise Korrikalariak (Korrika runners) in front of the Euskal Etxea before the race (photo BoisekoIkastola)


Korrika 18 arrived in Boise last Saturday, thanks to several local euskaltzales that organize the event called the “Fun Run.” The race gathered parents and children of the Boiseko Ikastola, Basque students and their professors and several other folks from Boise ready to run a little in support of the Basque language. Among them was historian John Bieter, a very well-known member of the local Basque community. Bieter highlighted that as a “euskaldunberri”, Euskera was the key for him to get to know the Basque culture as well as to create an entire network of relationships that he enjoys. “Let’s enjoy Euskara!” was the cry that started the race.

Boise, Idaho.  Korrika 18 started in the Diaspora, specifically in the city of Boise wehre a group of euskaltzales organied a festive race last Saturday called the “Fun Run.” The event gathered nearly 100 people in front of the Euskal Etxea, ready to support Euskera with a little exercise and a lot of fun.  The goal wasn’t to break any records, but instead to celebrate Basque and the choice of many people living in Boise to live and enjoy the language.

Before the start of the race, historian John Bieter summarized the feelings of the local Basque community in a short talk.  Bieter learned Basque years ago, studying in the Basque Country, and said that it was the language that opened the Basque culture to him as well as to a world of relationships and friendships; a way to enjoy the world.  As is the case for many Basque students who are currently taking classes in Boise, or for the children at the Boiseko Ikastola.  As a result, Boise’s race reclaimed and celebrated speaking Basque with the cry “Let’s enjoy Euskara!”

The event began with music by the local group Txantxangorri followed by the Aurresku danced by PJ Mansisidor followed by Bieter’s talk.  The race then began with the children from the Ikastola who took turns reading “Boiseko Korrika.”  The runners raced to Julia Davis park and then gathered at the Basque club to regain their strength.  The winner of the kid’s Korrika was Andoni Hoolenbeck, who is 9.

Boise Korrika 18 Korrika Txiki

[Children from Boiseko Ikastola during the Korrika Txiki (Photo Boiseko Ikastola)]

Money raised during the event will support students studying Basque in the city.  Professor Izaskun Kortazar thanked everyone responsible for making the third edition of the “Korrika Fun Run” possible: The Txantxangorriak group, PJ Mansisidor for dancing the aurresku, John Bieter for talking about the importance of Euskera, Jesus Alcelay, Nere Lete and Steve Mendive for talos and chorizo, the Basque students at Boise State University as well as at the Basque Museum and everyone else who participated.


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