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In the city of Olavarria, Argentina the Community Commission created with Marisu Mendizabal as its vice-president


Marisu Mendizabal is the president of the Gure Etxe Maitea Basque Club in Olavarria in the province of Buenos Aires Argentina
Marisu Mendizabal is the president of the Gure Etxe Maitea Basque Club in Olavarria in the province of Buenos Aires Argentina


Olavarría, Argentina. Marisú Mendizábal is the president of the Gure Etxe Maitea Basque Club in Olavarria and a member of the FEVA national board of directors. The Community Commission in Olavarria is now comprised of the following: president, Fernando Bugosen (Lebanese Association); vice-president, Marisú Mendizábal (Basque club); secretary, Alicia de Oliveira (Portuguese Association); sub-secretary, Jesús Durán (Venezuelan Association); treasurer, Gustavo Parra (Spanish Association); directors: Miguel Scalchi (Italian Association), Silvia Pondarré (French Association) and Miguel Ortega (Bolivian Association). 

Olavarria recently approved its first Community Ordenance, which sets up the creation of a Community Commission as the coordinating body of work of associations that comprise it, in order to establish a common agenda among them and thus be able to support and disseminate the important work being done by the different cultures in the city.

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