Macachín, Argentina. The city of Macachin in the Province of La Pampa was the site, last weekend, of the 41st National Mus Tournament. After two days of play, Ignacio Rabuffetti and Martín Lasarte, representing the Laurak Bat Basque Club in Buenos Aires were the winners. Rabuffetti and Lasarte will now travel in October to Baiona to represent Argentina at the 2019 International Mus Tournament. Second place went to Alvaro Ocariz and Héctor Mazzolini from San Nicolas.
The 41st edition of the National Mus Tournament was attended by 13 teams from clubs in La Plata, Junín, Laprida, Buenos Aires (Laurak Bat), Chascomús, Cañuelas, Chacabuco, Maipú, San Nicolás, Saladillo, Ayacucho and Macachín. Also attending was FEVA president, Arantxa Anitua and the Delegate of Euskadi in Argentina-Mercosur, Sara Pagola.
As usual, and as it does with all activities that it organizes, the Euzko Alkartasuna Basque Club in Macachin shined in its role as host and delighted the competitors, as well as the participants in the parallel mus tournament, and their companions with excellent meals and entertainment.