basque heritage worldwide
San Francisco, California, USA. There is a need for Basque speakers in the United States to help teach Basque language beginners in different parts of the country. The creation of a Basque language teachers’ network is one of the initiatives that NABO is currently undertaking under the auspices of HABE’s Euskara Munduan program. The program is being led in the US by Martin Goikoetxea, NABO Euskara chairman (Rock Springs, Wyoming); with the help of Izaskun Kortazar, Euskara coordinator (Boise, Idaho); John Ysursa, sustatzaile (facilitator, Chino, California); and Mary Gaztambide, NABO president (Salt Lake City, Utah). Support from the Basque Country comes from, Kinku Zinkunegi (HABE), along with a dedicated group of Basque American teachers. The objective is to provide the opportunity to learn Euskara to anyone interested, so the success of the program relies on the collaboration of any and all qualified individuals.
The need is for individuals with a basic knowledge of euskara who are ready and willing to teach others what they know. All training will be provided by NABO and/or HABE. Even though the task is not necessarily difficult, it does require a commitment. There is currently a need for teachers in many areas of the US, for example working with kids at the goiz eskola at the Basque Cultural Center in San Francisco, but in most cases the audience is primarily adult learners. Many Basque clubs already have language learning programs in place but as there are more than thirty clubs and organizations across the country, the goal is to reach as many places as possible.
Contact information
If you are interested in becoming a teacher or know anyone who is, please contact Izaskun Kortazar.
Izaskun Kortazar
Coordinator of Euskara for NABO
1-208-891-2679 (c)
1-208-426-3798 (w)
5220 Kootenai street, Boise, ID 83705
My contact info: 801-587-9377
Brady Allred, 06/17/2010 02:11
I am a choir conductor in Salt Lake City and have several pieces in the Basque language I would like to perform. Do you know of any Basque speakers (especially musicians) who live in Salt Lake City and could help me? Thank you! Brady Allred University of Utah
Brady Allred, 06/17/2010 02:10
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