basque heritage worldwide
Donostia-San Sebastián. Now that the 5th World Congress of Basque Collectivities is concluded, we have tried to bring our readers closer to the event through a series of photo chronicles, and following, by gathering a series of articles, videos and publications with news published in the Basque and international press about Basque Diaspora meeting.
-Video: People coming from the Euskal Etxeak worldwide visiting Gernika, EITB Vídeo
-Thousands of people participate in the last Monday of Gernika (mentioning congress participants), in Gara
-The V Edition of the World Congress on Basque communities begins in Diario Vasco
-Etxepare Institutua aurkeztu dute Euskal Gizataldeen Mundu-Batzarrean, in Etxepare Institutua
-Sho Hagio, “Basque speaker” in El País
-The revised edition of the book on Domingo de Irala, is presented in Diario Vasco
-Ambassadors of the new era, in El Correo Digital
-López requests help from the diaspora to overcome ETA’s black past, on ABC
-A reality with many faces, in Diario Vasco
-United by an almost invisible thread, in Diario Vasco
-The 5th Congress of Basque communities abroad echoes the 'concern, in La Región Internacional
-Patxi López highlights 'priceless capital' which Basques abroad represent in Diario Crítico México
-Boosting the teaching of Basque in the Basque centers of America, in Diario Vasco
-Convention encourages the promotion of the Basque language in Argentina, Uruguay, in La Región Internacional
-On est tous ambassadeurs, in Le Journal du Pays Basque
-Conclusions of the 5th Congress of Basque communities in Gobierno Vasco Irekia
-List of demands to put an end to the Congress, in Diario Vasco
-Photo album of V World Congress on Basque communities on Facebook
-Diaspora, Anjel Lertxundi, Berria article
-"Boisen regarding izateak prestigioa du ematen", interview in Basque with Izaskun Kortazar in EITB
-"Mr. Basque, hopeful before the Basque political release,” EITB Vídeos
-Presentations of the seminar Euskal Herria Mugaz Gaindi in the versión online of the EHMG
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