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“Hilario Olazaran Txileko Dantza eta Txistu Taldea” represented Euskal Herria at the International Day of Folklore in Santiago


International Day of Folklore 2019 in Santiago
International Day of Folklore 2019 in Santiago


Santiago, Chile. At the end of August and for the sixth year in a row, the group led by Angel Espinoza Caceres attended the International Day of Folklore celebrated in Santiago to provide the public a variety of music and dance from Euskal Herria.  The group “Hilario Olazaran Txileko Dantza eta Txistu Taldea,” has an eight-year career maintaining and sharing Basque artistic expressions all over the Chilean territory, including in neighboring countries at festivals like medieval music fairs, multicultural events and popular festival organized by the Chilean Government by cities and other institutions.

“Hilario Olazaran Txileko Dantza eta Txistu Taldea,” is an independent group of the Chilean Basque clubs and currently has 15 members.  As in prior occasions, they were also invited this year to the International Day of Folklore, a celebration organized by the Professional Ballet Folklorico Antumapu with the participation of more than 60 groups representing local folklore as well as that from around the world.

[Hilario Olazaran Txilko Dantza eta Txistu Taldea at the International Day of Folklore in Santiago]

The Basque Chilean group of music and dance includes txistu and danbolina, txalaparta, violin, viola and cello, guitar, accordion, flute, and pandero.  The dantzaris participate in the activities with corresponding traditional costumes. According to Espinoza, one of the most emotional moments this year was the Aurresku performed in honor of Daniel Zamudio who was killed in a homophobic attack by a group of neo-Nazis.

 Hilario Olazaran Txileko Dantza eta Txistu Taldea on Facebook, Hilario Olazaran Txile

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