basque heritage worldwide
Donostia-San Sebastian. HABE has presented a series of new materials useful for Basque students all over the world, available through the Ikasbil website. One of these is the book Gramatika gaitasuna lantzen, which has been adapted to the internet and is now available free of charge in PDF format. A series of exercises have also been adapted that can be completed and corrected easily online.
The book was originally published by the Department of Education of the Basque Government and includes theory as well as exercises for students in Level 3 (C1), written in Basque. In its online adaptation there is much of the original grammatical content included. It also includes a series of online exercises that can be corrected immediately and that also provide the options to find synonyms, translate, rewrite, match phrases...
The book can be downloaded in its entirety or by chapter. To access the book: here.
Reading by Level
HABE has also recently published another resource on Ikasbil that is a list of readings classified by level. The list includes all of the books that can be borrowed from HABE’s Euskaltegis and various public libraries. For those who can’t use these services, there is also a link where you can get the book. The categories range from basic readings to more advanced.
Each catalog entry includes the following information:
Along with each entry, there is a link to the exercises developed with that particular reading material.
Anyone wishing to do more online exercises based on these books can do so through the Ostutako Pasarteak (Stolen Excerpts) and the Kulturontzia at:
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