basque heritage worldwide
Gral. Las Heras, Argentina. The goal of this early end of year party at the Zazpirak Bat, is to celebrate Basque customs and traditions in a festive atmosphere among friends. They achieved this goal again this year judging by the increased numbers of participants and audience who attended including members of neighboring clubs like Denak Bat in Cañuelas, Askatasunaren Bidea from San Miguel and Euskaltzaleak in Buenos Aires. The program included various activities, always Herri Kirolak – Basque rural sports as the main attraction. Here is a photographic report of the week:
[Following the established program, the activities of the Basque Week – End of Year Herri Kirolak festival began on Saturday, November 23 with the 3rd degree of skeet shoot. There were 22 shooters participating with Juan Otermin taking first place and Daniel Elizalde 2nd and Pedro Castiglioni 3rd (photoEE)]
From November 25-30, the Pilota Paleta tournament took place at “The Oaks” Cultural and Sports complex in Gral. Las Heras. Organized by the club collaborator and friend, Mario Gutierrez, the tournament took place in the Trinquet. The final was played on Saturday the 30th and resulted in, Facundo Domínguez Vázquez and Carlos González in first place; and in second, Francisco Otermin and Juan Pablo Funes.
And since Mus is a sport for many, the traditional Basque game was not left out. The Mus tournament took place on Tuesday November 26th in the future Taberna Vasca (Basque Tavern), where mus players had dinner together following match play. The winners were, Alejandro de Vicondoa and Roberto Tagliaferro in first place and Jose Garmendia and Oscar Massa in second.
[New this year, were the segalaris (scythe cutters) which took place on Saturday November 30, with grass cutting. According to the organizers “not only was it the first year of this activity but it was also characterized by the rich and diverse quality and character of the competitors, among which there was a young woman from our town who ended up winning, and a Basque that despite being 86 gave the rest of the competitors a good lesson.” At the end of the competition, the first three places went to: Maria Franscechini, Ramon Garmendia and Jose Antonio Amorena. (photoEE)]
[The last day of the festival was December 1st when the main events took place on Villamayor Ave. in front of the new Basque Tavern in town. There were log cutting competitions with an axe, and another with a saw. Many locals came out to enjoy the rare spectacle (photoEE)]
[The heat didn’t stop the aizkolaris who despite the 32 degree weather never let up. Walter Echegaray took first place, Walter Cincunegui 2nd and Carlos Langan 3rd (photoEE)]
[In front of what will be the Basque Tavern was also ready for the athletes. The audience gathered there to root the participants on. (photoEE)]
[In the saw competition there were participants of all ages. Two rounds took place with the following results: 1st Luis Alberto Echegaray and Jorge Ignacio Apaolaza; 2nd Ramon Garmendia and Correa; 3rd Ramon Garmendia and Avelino Avagnina (photoEE)]
[To conclude the competitions, neighbors and guests gathered for a Soka Tira that served not only as a competition but as a way to have a great time (photoEE)]
[At lunch time, Father Luciano Cappellari said grace. Following, dancers from the local Iturri Zaharreko Ur Berria (New Water from the Old Fountain) group performed various dances. It should be noted that dancers from Cañuelas joined local dancers in various numbers (photoEE)]
[If it is true what they say, that the future of a club rests with its children, then this club has no worries. There were a large number of children that not only dance but also participate in other club activities. And so, with the energy of the children surrounded by friends the Basques in Las Heras said goodbye to another year. Zorionak! (photoEE)]
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20009 Donostia / San Sebastián
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