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From Uruguay to the world: more than 60 people participated in virtual Euskera meetings promoted from Montevideo


Euskera meeting on Zoom
Euskera meeting on Zoom


Montevideo, Uruguay. If we talk about Euskera in the Eighth Province, there is no doubt that Uruguay is one of the countries in South America where Basque instruction has deepened.  That is why we shouldn’t be surprised that during this time of confinement, Basque teachers and students in Uruguay have found a way to stay in touch, practice and share the language.

According to Andrea Bella, Basque teacher and promoter of the project, “We meet on Tuesday and on Saturdays on Zoom, there we speak with Euskaldunak in different places; from Uruguay, but also from Euskal Herria, as well as from various cities in Argentina.  Many of us are Mintzanet participants.  We have already held more than 10 meetings that includes some 60 people.  Some come join in on all of the meetings while others join in more sporadically.”

In regard to the meeting dynamics, the groups have a moderator that proposes a theme and a “etxerako lana” (homework). The invitation to participate come via WhatsApp and attendance is up to each individual.  The level of participation also depends on language tools that each one has.  More information here (in Basque).  Come on, join in!


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