Reno, Nevada, USA. It is a Spotify playlist with a selection of some of the songs that Basque youth currently listen to. It came to us from the US and was created by Basque Americans, Mikaela Goicoechea and Madalen Bieter. Today NABO shared it in its Astero weekly newsletter, with songs and groups of varied styles (pop, rock, hip-hop, electronic etc.). For many, it is an opportunity to get acquainted with what Basque youth in Euskal Heria are listening and dancing to.
Making the song selections were NABO’s Music Director, Mikaela Goicoechea, and Madalen Bieter, from the online radio program Boiseko Taupada. The playlist is called Basque Contemporary Sampler and includes music by Zetak, En Tol Sarmiento, Huntza, Izaro, Nagen, Gatibu, Olatz Salvador, Bulego, Merina Girls, Raitx, Dupla eta Itizar Iuño, STR, Maren, Sua, Laukatu and Omagore, among others.
If you are not already, it is a great opportunity to update yourself on the latest music from Euskal Herria. Eskerrik asko, Mikaela eta Madalen!