Córdoba, Argentina. The Basque Maestro and composer Javier Busto (Hondarribia, Gipuzkoa, 1949) is an international reference for the best Basque contemporary choral music and his pieces and arrangements are sung daily by choirs of all types and condition around the world. Invited by the Gure Txokoa Basque Club in Cordoba, with the support of the Choir Directors Association of the Republic of Argentina (ADICORA) and the Libertador San Martin Theater, Maestro gave a talk to an audience comprised mainly of musicians, however that also included club members and friends, on June 11th that we share here
The talk was moderated by the director of the Singing Seminar at the San Martin Theater, Matias Saccone and allowed attendees to get to know the career of this outstanding musician from Hondarribia in depth, covering key points like his start in music, his professional career in medicine and the current reality of choirs in Euskal Herria, among others.
Among the hosts of the talk was Guillermo Pellicer, the director of the “Children Singers of Cordoba,” who in 2015 published in Argentina the album Elai Ela! with songs in Basque written by Busto. Pellicer and the Basque artist talked about how the idea came about and about the works included on the album.
Also participating was host Alejo Martin, president of the Gure Txoko Basque Club who thanked Busto for kindly having accepted the invitation while promising his commitment to continue holding similar activities during the quarantine. The talk was proposed by the Basque club because due to que quarantine the traditional Choir Gathering that its hosts annually in honor of Saint Ignatius of Loyola was cancelled.
[Talk with Javi Busto, organized by the Gure Txokoa Basque Club in Córdoba]
-Javier Busto's website (that includes sheet music of his work, among other things)