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From Cordoba to Patagonia Basque clubs in Argentina joined in Euskera International Day festivities


Euskera International Day festivities on December 1st at the Gral. Rodriguez Eusko Aterpea (photoEE)
Euskera International Day festivities on December 1st at the Gral. Rodriguez Eusko Aterpea (photoEE)


Many of the celebrations of the International Day of the Basque Language in the Diaspora took place the weekend before (last weekend) and many others will take place the weekend after (next one) while in other clubs, it was celebrated on its date, December 3rd. Following is the first wave of celebrations that took place in Argentina with festivities at Euskaldunak Denak Bat (Arrecifes), Gerora (Córdoba), Unión Vasca (Bahía Blanca), Etorritakoengatik (Puerto Madryn) and Eusko Aterpea, de Gral. Rodríguez, in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, and Chubut.

Arrecifes, Argentina.  The clubs in the Diaspora also work all year for the promotion, study and use of Euskera.  Nonetheless, December 3rd has become the day that this work is shown in a festive climate with the entire community.  That is why various activities are planned during the events surrounding Euskera Day: dance, film, talk, gastronomy, as well as awarding students with diplomas.  These and other activities have occupied the euskaltzales in Argentina since last Saturday.

Euskararen Eguna Arrecifesen 2013 01

[The Euskaldunak Denak Bat Basque Club in Arrecifes celebrated on December 3rd.  The event began with some words by teacher Maria del Carmen Rodriguez and librarian Laura Nobile.  Following, the film Sukalde Kontuak (Kitchen Secrets) was shown and to conclude the celebration club members and friends had dinner together.  At dinner, all food and drink orders had to be made in Basque with the help, for those that didn´t master the language, of some posters that were created by Basque students to help out (photosEE)]

Euskararen Eguna Cordoban 2013 02

[In Cordoba, the Gerora Basque Association organized an entire week of activities to celebrate Euskera Day.  Unfortunately, yesterday’s activities had to be cancelled for city level general social problems.  However, on the 3rd books were released and Basque students and teachers took to the streets to share literature in Basque with their neighbors. (photoEE)]

Euskararen Eguna Bahia Blancan 2013 03

[In Bahia Blanca, an entire “Day in Basque” took place including aerobics, contests, games, videos and tamborrada.  As in other years, teachers Rosana Entitzne and Rocio Basterra presented diplomas to their students (photosEE)]

Euskararen Eguna Gral Rodriguezen 2013 04

[The Gral. Rodriguez Basque club celebrated Euskera Day with a huge BBQ.  Lunch, also closed the 2013 activities, and was attended by members of other activities that the club holds including dance and a workshop on mus.  It should be mentioned that a delegation of the Arrecifes club also accompanied the Eusko aterpea in its celebration (photoEE)]

Euskararen Eguna Puerto Madrynen 2013 05

[Basques in Patagonia also joined in, as other corners of the world, to celebrate the day.  The Etorritakoengatik club in Puerto Madryn held a dinner last Saturday that was toasted in Basque.  Dancers of all ages showed their talent on stage and invited the public to join in fandangos and polkas.  Between pintxos, dances, and toasts, the party lasted until 3am (photosEE)]


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