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Forceful response from FEVA to remarks made by President Alberto Fernández on COVID-19 and the Basque Country


Letter from FEVA to Argentina’s President, Alberto Fernandez, negating his affirmations and expressing disgust
Letter from FEVA to Argentina’s President, Alberto Fernandez, negating his affirmations and expressing disgust


Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Federation of Basque-Argentine Entities published a forceful response to the nation’s president, Alberto Fernandez, who alluded publicly that the Basque Country “was a place that had to choose who lived and died.”  The note from FEVA, that included an additional note from the Basque Government, firmly negates, that “The health system in the Basque Country DID NOT collapse” (sic) and that “we are having trouble understanding why this was mentioned, which unfairly, painfully, and unfortunately damages our homeland.”

The Argentine president had appeared publicly to explain the restrictive measures of Social, Preventive and Compulsory Isolation (ASPO), when he referred to the Basque Country as an example of a situation to avoid, since "if one has some experiences in what has occurred in Europe, one realizes that when the health system is saturated, mortality doubles or triples." "This is what happened for example in the Basque Country, health care was saturated and unfortunately they had to choose who was saved and who died. We did not have to go through that, we do not want to go through that," he said.

The letter from FEVA

According to the data that comes from the Basque Country, although at the beginning of the crisis the situation was critical at some point, it did not reach the levels alluded to by President Fernández and it did not reach collapse, and although it is currently experiencing some outbreaks, which concern the authorities, it is far from being the area of Europe or the community in Spain with the most worrying situation, "As such, it is hard to understand why his case has been chosen by President Fernández.”

-El Cronista (Buenos Aires): Coronavirus in the Basque Country: Was the collapse of the system that Alberto Fernández spoke about real?
-Clarín (Buenos Aires): Why did Alberto Fernández talk about not falling "into a crisis like the one the Basque Country fell into? Who told him about that case?
-TN International: Coronavirus in the Basque Country, the "bad example" that Alberto Fernández wants to avoid
-Presidential Version: Infobae: What was the healthcare collapse in the Basque Country that Alberto Fernández stated as an example?

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