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For those who are interested, the June 2020 issue, #10, of Eguzkia by the Euzko Etxea in La Plata is now available online


Number 10 corresponding with June 2020 of the Eguzkia Magazine by the Euzko Etxea in La Plata, Argentina
Number 10 corresponding with June 2020 of the Eguzkia Magazine by the Euzko Etxea in La Plata, Argentina


La Plata, Argentina. The latest issue, #10, of the quarterly magazine “Eguzkia,” by the Euzko Etxea in La Plata, is now available online corresponding to June 2020. It can be read online, and if desired, can be printed to be read.  Due to the situation caused by the pandemic, it has come out earlier than ever, and today, June 1st it is already available online.

Among others it includes the following texts and articles: Editorial (Board of Directors), Upcoming activities (María Fernanda Astigarraga), Past activities (María Fernanda Astigarraga), "Tango Characters. María La Vasca" (Susana Aramburu), "10 Years of Traveling Basque Cinema" (Carlos Gabilondo), "Sopa de Migas” (Stella Loholaberry Ongay),  “And One Day, Reality Knocked on Our Door: Zubirian Reflections on the Pandemic" (Nicolás Torres Ressa), “The Santoña Pact” (Luis Lúquez Minaberrigaray), “Argiñetako hilerria: Argiñeta Cemetery” (Estefanía Garizoain & Herminia Navarro Hartmann), “The Memory of Gernika's Oak in La Plata” (José Joaquín Saldías), “Ambiente and COVID-19” (Guillermo Luis Villate), “José María Arizmendiarrieta. Promoter of Humanisitc and Venerable Companies” (Juan Manuel Sinde) and Kirmen Uribe's poem “Ez eman hautatzeko” (Don’t give me a choice) in its original version in Basque, and translated into Spanish.

The Editorial Board and the Eguzkia Editorial is comprised by Susana Aramburu, Herminia Navarro Hartmann, Estefanía Garizoain, José Joquín Saldias, Luis Lúquez Minaberrigaray and Guillermo Villate. Collaborators, María Fernanda Astigarraga, Francisco Arosteguy, Carlos Gabilondo, Nicolás Torres Ressa and Juan Manuel Sinde. Style correction, Herminia Navarro Hartmann. And Graphic Desig by DCV Victoria Villate.  Thank you all for your work and dedication.

-June 2020 issues available  here
-Or the set of issues in the current stage of the magazine, click here

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