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Szeged, Hungary. The Basque lecturer at the University of Szeged brought Basque culture into the streets during the Basque Cultural week celebrated from May 4-10. The events began in Budapest with Basque dance workshops outside, at the Dantza-plaza, with music provided by a local group, Gobe as well as by Irune Azkunaga. Basque students, on their part, were very enthusiastic and the workshops were very successful and a good time was had by all.
There was a second session at the Dantza-plaza on May 6 in Szeged where Irune Azkunaga played again accompanied by the local group, Samli. This event was also very successful with nearly 100 people participating. Lecturer, Izaskun Perez, helped the young Hungarians, guiding them and teaching them various steps, the event was very animated.
[Izaskun Perez, in the middle of the photo, directing the Basque dance workshop in Szeged (photo IPerez)]
[To round out the showing of Gazta zati bat (A piece of cheese), students were treated tosome Idiazabal cheese (photo IPerez)]
The second part of the Cultural Week 2013 featured film with showings of four Basque films at the University of Szeged: Blancanieves (Pablo Berger, 2012), Los amantesdel círculo polar (Julio Medem, 1998), documentary Gazta zati bat (Jon Maia, 2012); and Kutsidazu bidea, Ixabel (F. Bernues, M. Gabilondo 2005).
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