Pamplona-Iruña. This is the highest honor granted by the Government of Navarre and the deadline for nominations is Tuesday, October 15th. Eligible candidates for the Gold Medal of Navarre include institutions, entities and associations as well as any individual; however, self-nominations, for either individuals or organizations they legally represent will be excluded.
The following criteria will be taken into account preferentially: exemplary personal or collective activity perceived as such by all citizens; contributions to the democratic values of the society; promotion of activities framed in solidarity and work for the benefit of others; trajectories that try to form a more just and solidary society from different aspects of its culture business, social, etc; gender parity, which recognizes the social contribution of women; promotion of education, health, the environment and social progress; as well as activities that boost the image of Navarre abroad.
Some awardees to date include historian Jose Maria Lacarra and the ethnographer Julio Caro Baroja (1984), anthropologist Jose Miguel de Barandiaran (1989), sculptor Jorge Oteiza (1992), the Medicus Mundi Association (1995), cyclist Miguel Indurain (1996), the collective of Navarrese missionaries (1998), the Navarrese Centers in Argentina and Chile (2005), the Orfeon Pamplones (2010), physicist Pedro Miguel Etxenike (2016), and Saray, the Navarrese Breast Cancer Association (2018).
Nominations may be made by filling out this application and sending it to the General Electronic Registry of the Government of Navarre
The Gold Medal of Navarre will be presented on December 3rd as part of the Celebration of Navarre Day festivities.