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Euzko Etxea in Necochea recreated the Donostia Konstituzio Plaza to celebrate San Sebastian Day


Ane Anza performing the San Sebastian March (photoEE)
Ane Anza performing the San Sebastian March (photoEE)


The Necochea Basque club started its 2014 calendar with a big celebration of San Sebastian Day. The program of events, that included sporting, cooking recreational and Tamborrada events, concluded with a dinner that was enjoyed by nearly 300 diners. New this year, the 34th edition of the event, was Pintxo Eguna that took place in the “Konstituzio Plaza in Donostia,” recreated for that purpose in the clubhouse.

Necochea, Argentina. Once again, the Euzko Etxea in Necochea worked hard to shorten the distance between the coasts of the Bay of Biscay and the Atlantic Ocean in South America.  They succeeded as well joining the traditional Danborrada or Tamborrada of Donostia in the province in Buenos Aires.

But the sound of drums, while the main event, wasn’t the only way that the Basque community in Necochea paid honor to the culture of the Basque Country in its 34th edition of San Sebastian Week. In fact, the program of activities began on January 11th with an exhibit of Pelota Paleta.  Matches were played in the club’s trinkete and included pelotaris with international experience, among those: Sebastián, Santiago and Facundo Andreasen (from Vicente López), Juan Pedro Pecker (from González Chávez), Gastón Inchausti (from Tandil) and Joseba Bilbao (from Necochea). Proceeds from the matches were donated to the municipal hospital “Emilio Ferreyra.”

Mass, Cooking and Film Workshops

Continuing with the program, on January 20 there mass was held at Our Lady of Lourdes church.  Due to bad weather, the Danborrada that was going to take place on the steps of the church was moved inside.  That is also why the Municipal Band’s performance was also postponed to Friday the 24th.

But as they say in these parts, a Basque festival wouldn’t be a Basque festival without some typical dishes from the Basque Country.  That is why Basque Argentinean chef Arantza Soraluce was called upon to offer a Gastronomic Workshop.

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[During class, Arantza prepared a complete menu while explaining the procedure to those present (photoEE)]

Later on in the week, on Wednesday the 22nd at 21:00 there were two activities.  On the one hand, the club paid tribute to the painter, muralist and cartoonist, Rodolfo Campdonico, who passed away on December 31st.  This was followed by a screening of the film Baztan with an introduction by former club president, Felipe Muguerza.

The Konstituzio Plaza of San Sebastian in Necochea

One of the biggest novelties of this year’s festivities was Pintxo Eguna.  For the occasion, the Plaza de la Constitución in Donostia was recreated in the clubhouse.

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[Each of the pintxo booths was named for a bar in the Plaza Constitución in Donostia with slides and photos being displayed throughout the evening (photoEE)]

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[Miniature gastronomy was also enjoyed in Necochea.  In each booth a great variety of Pintxos was available (photoEE)]

Dance, Paella and Election of a New Mayor

Moving to the end of the week, on Friday the 24th there was a big public dance that gathered nearly 300 people both locals and visitors from other Basque clubs.  According to club sources, friends from Mar del Plata, Bahía Blanca, Arrecifes, Villa María, Buenos Aires, La Plata, Tandil, Rosario, Paraná, Córdoba, Maipú, Cañuelas, Puerto Madryn, Tres Arroyos, Laprida, Chascomús and Balcarce took advantage of the festivities to visit. Throughout the night, revelers could enjoy typical food, the Tamborrada with adults and children and dances from all the groups that make up the hosting club’s dance troupe.

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[The Tamborrada on Friday was accompanied by the Municipal Band.  Children fro the club also participated playing their boards that were gifts from friends from the Gaztelubide Society in Donostia (photoEE)]

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[Dantzaris from Euzko Etxea were also protagonists during the festivities.  During the eveing all the groups presented their dances, txikis, intermediates, and adults as well as the group from 20-45 years-of-age (photoEE)]

The 2014 Tamborrada in Necochea concluded on Saturday the 25th with a day that began with rural sports thanks to the club’s youth subcommittee and closed with a huge San Sebastian dinner.  Paella for 300 began a long night that also included the election of a new mayor – Luis Dominquez Muguerza who then returned to hear the drums directed by Tito Picon.

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[Club dancers danced the Aurresku in honor of the new mayor Luis Domiguez Muguerza as well as to the outgoing mayor, Sara Zubillaga (photoEE)]

A dancer from Donostia, Ane Anza, who visited Argentina in 2011 with the Aukeran Dance Company, danced the San Sebastian March in honor of the newly elected mayor.  The party went into the night, with a dance that included old and young.  This is how members and friends o the Euzko Etxea in Necochea said farewell, celebrating the 34th edition of the Danborrada, promising to return and get together again at the 2015 Feast of San Sebastian, if not before.


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