Donostia-San Sebastián. If you are 16 or 17 years old, or if you know someone around you of that age, pass this information along to them. Imagine: a month touring Euskal Herria with another 120 youth of the same age from all over the Basque Country, visiting places that otherwise you surely wouldn’t know about, each place presented by its inhabitants…all of this with Euskera as the key…this is EuskarAbentura. In regards to the Diaspora, the organization will also help with some travel expenses…March 24 is the deadline to apply from the Diaspora.
From July 1-31, 2019. In order to participate:
-Be born in 2002-2003
-Be able to speak Euskera (perfection is not required)
-Desire to get to know Euskal Herria, its culture, history and places
-Be ready to socialize, share moments and experience with new friends
Interested persons have to submit a work and letter of intent. The work should treat one of these three themes:
-Maite ditut gure bazterrak: Euskal Herria and its investment in its ecological imprint
-Travel and migratory movements
-Rhymes and rhythms: music, song, dance, poesy and theater
Works can be of several formats: historic, literary, audiovisual, musical, artistic, or digital creation
The work as well as the letter of intent can be presented by using this form. Deadline to apply is closed for youth in the Southern Basque Country but youth in the Diaspora and Iparralde have until March 24th.