basque heritage worldwide
Trenque Lauquen, Argentina. The Euskal Sustraiak Basque club in Trenque Lauquen, in the province of Buenos Aires, left its clubhouse on Sunday June 29th for an outdoor activity that was open to the entire community. The San Juan bonfire was lit in the heart of the city park, where Basque club members got together for hot chocolate for all while waiting for the sun to set.
[Dressed as witches, Basque club dancers fanned the flames with their dances (photoEE)]
As a lead-in, club member Alicia Paris gave an account of the origin of the fest and then the bonfire was lit. While the effigy of the witch burned, dancers danced around the fire and invited the audience to join in a kalejira. To conclude the dance performance, two of the dancers did a Fandango. “The audience applauded enthusiastically and above all the children, joined in the dances. Many also expressed to make this event a regular part of the club’s activities,” according to club sources.
[Children enjoyed the dances and the fire the most (photoEE)]
We’ll have to wait another year for another winter solstice, but upcoming club activities will happen soon, specifically during the week of July 12-19th. The San Fermin taberna will take place on July 12 at the clubhouse (Orellana Street 200) that will include food, drink, and dance “and above all a lot of joy.” On the 19th, there will be a film an discussion.
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